
David Teplica

David Teplica 
Né en 1959,
photographe, docteur en philosophie et chirurgien plastique.

"Fine art Photography and Plastic Surgery may seem like very different careers, but for at least one individual, they are inextricably bound.  David Teplica, MD, MFA received the Trustee's Scholarship to complete the Master of Fine Arts degree from the School of the Art Institute of Chicago.  During the same two year time period between General Surgery and Plastic Surgery training at the University of Chicago, Teplica received a Surgical Scientist Training Grant from the NIH and worked in the laboratory at night doing anatomic research."  
© David Teplica



Photographies de David Teplica parues dans l'article:
2012 International Twin Congress and More on Fraternal Twins - See more at:
"2012 International Twin Congress
and More on Fraternal twins"

2012 International Twin Congress and More on Fraternal Twins

- See more at:

Recent events from the 2012 International Twin Congress are reviewed; new findings on fraternal twins are presented. - See more at:

"Recent events from the 2012 International Twin Congress are reviewed; new findings on fraternal twins are presented."
Copyright David Teplica

Article Featured Image: "Monozygotic Fusion, 1989" Copyright David Teplica MD, MFA - See more at:
Monozygotic Fusion, 1989" Copyrigh
Article Featured Image: "Monozygotic Fusion, 1989" Copyright David Teplica MD, MFA - See more at:


Difference, 1990 by

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