
Cornelia Hediger

Cornelia Hediger 
Née en 1967 à Zurich, C.H..

Doppelgänger I, 2007.
Doppelgänger II, 2008-2009.

Chromogenic Print,  20” x 24 ”,
C-Type Print, 26” x 26”.

"The work depicts a psychological struggle between my Doppelgänger and myself.  The project, in itself, is a form of voyeurism and the characters act out this power play between the ego and the alter ego. The idea of the Doppelgänger emblematizes the repressed other within the self; it is the past hunting the present." (

© Cornelia Hediger

 Doppelgänger I, 2007

Doppelgänger II, 2009

 Doppelgänger I, 2007

 Doppelgänger II, 2009

 Doppelgänger I, 2007
 Doppelgänger I, 2007

  Doppelgänger I, 2007

  Doppelgänger I, 2007

  Doppelgänger I, 2007

  Doppelgänger II, 2009

 Doppelgänger II, 2009
 Doppelgänger II, 2009

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