
Cecil Beaton

Cecil Beaton 
Né à Hamstead, Londres.

Cecil Beaton at the National Portrait Gallery

 Peter North, Cecil Beaton, cream-toned bromide print on page mount, 1920s.,
29,1 x 23,9 cm., © National Portrait Gallery, Londres 

Peter North, Cecil Beaton, cream-toned bromide print on page mount, 1920s.
29,8 x 24,3 cm., © National Portrait Gallery, Londres 

Peter North, Cecil Beaton, cream-toned bromide print on page mount, 1920s.,
29,8 x 24,3 cm., © National Portrait Gallery, Londres.

Maurice Beck and Helen Macgregor, Cecil Beaton, Stephen Tennant, 
cream-toned vintage bromide print, 1927, 16,2 x 11,1 cm.,  
© National Portrait Gallery, Londres. 

Cecil Beaton, Paula Gellibrand, Marquise de Casa Maury, 1928, 24,1 x 18,8 cm.,
National Portrait Gallery, Londres.
© Cecil Beaton Studio Archive, Sotheby's London

Cecil Beaton, Paula Gellibrand, Marquise de Casa Maury, 1928, photo au bromure, 24,5 x 19,3 cm, National Portrait Gallery, Londres.
© Cecil Beaton Studio Archive, Sotheby's London

Cecil Beaton, Gertrude Lawrence, 1930, photo au bromure, 24,5 x 19,2 cm., 
National Portrait Gallery, Londres.
© Cecil Beaton Studio Archive, Sotheby's London

Cecil Beaton, Gertrude Lawrence, 1930, photo au bromure, 23,8 x 16,7 cm., 
National Portrait Gallery, Londres.
© Cecil Beaton Studio Archive, Sotheby's London

Cecil Beaton, Gertrude Lawrence, 1930, photo au bromure, 24,3 x 19,2 cm., 
National Portrait Gallery, Londres.
© Cecil Beaton Studio Archive, Sotheby's London.

 Cecil Beaton, The Jungman Twins, 1926.

Cecil Beaton, W.H.(Wystan Hugh) Auden, 1930, bromide print, 19,5 x 24 cm., collection inconnue.

Cecil Beaton, Julie Andrews, 1959, coll. inconnue.

Cecil Beaton, Gilbert & George, 1968, in Terence Pepper, Roy Strong, Peter Conrad, Beaton Portraits, 2004, Yale University Press.

 Cecil Beaton, Gilbert & George, 1968, in Terence Pepper, Roy Strong, Peter Conrad, Beaton Portraits, 2004, Yale University Press.

Cecil Beaton, Myers Twins, circa 1968.

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